Monday, June 28, 2010

I get to go somewehre

Hello to All, Sorry I've been wayward in posting but to tell the truth, when you're a old, fat, cripple guy there ain't much to tell you LOL. I'm FINALLY getting over the loss of Buttons, but I have to tell you, we had some very noisy storms over the weekend and at the first clap of thunder, I looked for the little guy. I haven't been sewing or embroidering or anything, mostly just sitting and reading. But I am getting excited about a trip I'm going to be taking on the 5th of July. I'm going to travel to Kutztown, PA for their Folk Festival. There will be over 2500 quilts on display and I'm am very excited to see them. I'm traveling alone but following a couple of my sewing friends so wife doesn't have to worry about me being alone. I've never been to anything this big since I went into the wheelchair in 2000. SO exciting. I'll fill you in on all the fun when I get back. I'm only staying one day at the festival itself, takes about 8 hours to get there and my best friend cashed in his travel miles to get me the hotel for two nights and will travel back on the 7th. Wife is packing me a picnic of cold fried chicken, macaroni salad and nice cold watermelon. And I must say, my opinion is if the good Lord made anything better than fried chicken, he kept it for himself. As to my usual rant, I have come to the conclusion that not enough people are reading my blog because those handicapped parkers are still insane. I wish I was tech savvy enough to figure out how to get the blog out to more folks but, alas, I am not. My buddy and I went to Sam's this weekend and I swear to God, this one "gentleman" parked his car perpendicular in TWO spots. No wheelchair, no cane, no lack of energy in literally running to the door. I mean I know not ALL disabilities are apparent, but I figure if you can jump out of your car and run anywhere, you don't need a handicap parking space. I'm going to start carrying signs I can put on their car's THANKS BUTT HEAD, LEARN TO PARK. Think that would help? Well, I am trying to promise myself that I am going to start making a sweatshirt jacket for my wife, I think a Halloween one. I've got a really nice large design of a haunted house from Anita Goodesign that looks perfect. We'll see. Until later.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just ticked at the world

Hello fellow cyber space people. I'm having a poor, pitiful me day. Since by now all you smart people have figured out I'm in a wheelchair. That means I'm usually hurting LOL. Like every martyr, I usually keep my pain to myself, I figure someone else probably needs the wood of the cross I'm carrying. Haven't slept well at all this week and my usual ankle, knee, hip, thumb, back, shoulder, neck pain (don't laugh) seems to be extremely noticeably this week. Like I said, I usually try not to complain too much because, honestly, there are a lot of folks out there with a lot more problems than I have. But quite honestly, it's really starting to piss me off. I hobble around the house holding on to things so I don't fall, I can barely get the cap off my water bottle, I'm tired of taking super strength percocets and ibuprofen all the time. Besides, they say it's mostly nerve related so pain pills don't help anyway. I haven't been in my sewing room since Buttons left me. I can't seem to get interested in a book and Lord knows there is certainly nothing to watch on television at night, let alone during the daytime hours. About all I've accomplished this week is eating many Reese cups, oh, did I mention I'm also diabetic LOL. And the jokes just keep on coming folks. Besides I bet no one even reads this thing anyway. Have one follower, myself, no comments. Poor me. Oh well, this too shall pass, said the doctor to the constipated patient. I hope everyone takes time to stop and smell the roses. I tried that but got stuck by thorns.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Depression + Credit Card = STUPID

First a question. Have you ever done something, then a couple weeks later you wake up at 2:00 AM, eyes wide open, saying to yourself, "OMG, why would I DO that?" Well, that's what happened to me last night. Let me digress to explain what Paul Harvey would term, "The REST of the Story". The day we lost Buttons we were terribly depressed, needless to say. We got home, sat around, gave the other two dogs and over abundance of affection, and decided we weren't hungry for supper. So we sat some more and chatted a bit. Then I had the bright idea that we should do something. Our cellular phone contracts had expired and we both badly needed new phones so we decided to make the trip to our local AT&T shop. BIG MISTAKE! I was being very picky about a new phone because due to my surgeries my hands, well more specifically my fingers, don't have the sensory feeling they used to have. So I was looking for a phone that had a keypad that I could actually FEEL. The ones with slick, flush numbers and letters just wouldn't do the trick. The only one I could find was going to cost me $29.00. What happened to the concept that the phones were FREE with a new contract? Anyway, I got past that and then was helping my wife find a phone. Now I just cannot say "NO" to her. She's just too great a lady for that. But you must remember, we are OLD people. I mean a phone is just a phone. I basically carry one because I'm old, fat and cripple and don't want to be caught somewhere with something wrong. Well, she fell in love with the IPHONE. It's cost? $150.00 and that's WITH the new contract. She questioned the cost but, as usual, I say "Honey you get whatever you want". God, I'm a nice guy. So we got the new phones, got back home, I set them all up and you would assume we were happy campers. Right!?!?!? Okay now to the wake up call. Last night, at 2:00 AM I sat STRAIGHT up in bed and had the OMG moment. I just realized that my bill was going to go up $50.00 a month because these new phones "required" "data" plans. What the hell is that all about? We don't USE the phones to surf the Internet, we don't text, we don't do anything but use the fricking phone!! So now comes the realization that the only way to resolve this is to return the phones. Of course there will be the mandatory "re-stocking" charge if we do that. The other problem, at least for me, is finding a phone I can actually USE! IF we do this, it will of course be much cheaper, but will I be able to feel the damn thing? So that's how this week is starting out. Questions, Questions, Questions? That's the result of having a STUPID attack.