Thursday, August 5, 2010

Things Just Keep Getting Better'er and Better'er

Sorry it's been so long between posts. Things have just NOT gone well. Nothing new there as I'm sure you all know. First I had trouble getting my wheelchair repaired. WHAT an ordeal and in the end it STILL wound up costing me $900.98. Which I of course put on a charge that only has one more thousand to go until it explodes. It's a L O N G story so I won't bore you with the details, suffice to say if you ever become a federal employee who has to deal with the federal worker's comp program, RUN don't walk to the nearest bridge and just jump. it's SO much easier. I retired 5 years ago, did anybody bother to tell me I needed on-going medical documentation to keep my case active? NO! Then did they bother to tell me that once the OWCP finally approved the repair that it was totally impossible to find just one damn doctor who did workers comp? Again, NO! So I totally caved. Then the soft tub is in trouble (faux hotub). No problem it has a 5 year warranty. Right? Guess again, NO! Oh, there is a 5 year warranty but I am in year three and there is a $275.00 deductible. Think that's bad enough? Guess the answer! I also have to drain the 220 gallons of water out, disconnect the "pack" (motor) then ship it via UPS. Guess how much THAT costs? Then the little genie's in Bedford Mass. will repair it and ship it back to me. Guess who pays for that? Yes, you are right, little old stupid me. IF my math skills haven't totally flown from my pea brain, the WARRANTY repair will cost me around $400.00! So guess what AIN'T getting fixed? Wanna buy a used softub? I love my life!! I'd like it all to go smoothly just for one fricking week, just one! Oh, there's more, believe me, there is more. My darling 83 year old Aunt's husband, who is 89 and is deeply in Alzheimer's, fell and broke his hip. I worry so much about them and now this. Of course she has to stay at the nursing home because, he tries to get up at night and even though they have an alarm on him, he moves so fast he ends up falling. So she stays there and can get to him before they can show up. He insists that nothing is wrong and he can walk and he'll prove it too her. This lady is a saint. And of course SINCE he has Alzheimer's it will take longer in the nursing home then wonderful Medicare will pay for. They only pay for 20 days, after that you have to pay 20%, which for the place he's in is 138.00 a day. Well, time has passed and he is scheduled to be released today. I think it will be easier on both of them with him home. Think that's bad enough? Oh wait my wonderful readers. Last Saturday, I had talked to my Aunt, tried my best to help keep her spirits up and I do believe she felt better. Then a few hours later the phone rang and it was her crying. I was SURE she was going to tell me he died. Isn't that terrible to think that? But no, she had just been informed that her only remaining child out of three has stage three lung cancer!!! Her youngest died of Cystic Fibrosis and her eldest of scoliosis. I know the good Lord tests us but I think the lady needs a damn break. Well, this has certainly been an uplifting post, hasn't it? I'm starting to think this thing called life is never going to stop beating on me and the ones I love. I told her I would drive her to Fla. to see him, but with my physical limitations, that is about the best I can do for her and I SO want to do more. Ya'll take care, pray for everyone you know and tell them before it's too late how much they bring to your life. Accept all the blessings and say thank you. Take care.

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